Tuesday, May 3, 2011

TRA - The Right Approach

Welcome to the TRA Program! This well balanced and multi-faceted approach has been proven, very effective and SAFE. For the 1st time, you will be coached on the right nutrition, right exercise and the right supplementation to stay fit forever! Remember that 10kg of weight is a ‘bag of rice’ at Tesco! Can you imagine how it feels to lose 10kg of weight? FREEDOM!

This is an important slide to understand. We gain weight and find it hard to keep it off, because of these 6 key factors.
1) Our foods we eat have too much FAT (Trans Fat)
2) Our body's Glucose Metabolism is too low, so it triggers our mind to want to eat sweet, cakes etc. So it is NOT your fault that you can't control yourself. We can change that!
3) We live in a stressful society. Stress releases cortisol. Cortisol converts to sugars (to be usesd for energy to releive the stress; which we don't use). Unused Sugars become Fat and is stored in our body.
4) Unhealthy diets that cause both fat and muscle to be depleted. When muscle is low, it can't burn calories, therefore we gain even more fat! Thus creating yo-yo effects.
5) If we are fat, we already have too much fat and too little muscle. So no muscle to burn fat & calories.
6) As we age, our body metabolism is lower, however, as we continue to eat the same diet, we start to gain more fat (since our body can't process it like it did when you were in your 20's).

Since there are no muscles in the 'middle' of your body, it is EXTREMELYdifficult to reduce. And this is the LEADING cause of Cardiovasculat Disease, Type 2 Diabetes and High Blood Pressue. Find out your Visceral Fat pecentage TODAY!

This is how Excessive Fat effects your Liver (Fatty Liver) and surrounds your Kidney (Yellow layers). Do you know now, how very important it is to reduce Visceral Fat?

Backed by 150 Scientists at Pharmanex and working with over 250 Scientists in 38 Universities, Pharmanex is Unprecedented in itsScience and Innovation.
Over 40 Doctors have gone through the TRA program and have recommended their friends to lose weight with this Safe, Healthy and habit forming program.

Pharmanex TRA's is CLEAR, SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE in SUSTAINING a healthy FAT to MUSCLE ratio & Healthy Eating Habits that lasts aLIFETIME. Other programs in the market DO NOT FOCUS or provide an effective way to CHANGE unhealthy eat habits to HEALTHY HABITS, so YO YO Effects occurs!

Pharmanex focuses on SAFESCIENCE and SUSTAINABILITY!

Pharmanex TRA products have been CERTIFIED by the HEALTH SCIENCE AUTHORITY of SINGAPORE to be FREE from the above harmful ingredients so anyone can use it with SAFELY with NO SIDE EFFECTS.

Great News! The TRA Program is US Patented.

With the RIGHT PRODUCTS (Natural and Clinically Proven to be SAFE & EFFECTIVE), the RIGHT FOOD (Simple, Easy to Follow, No Starving & Enjoy your Food) and the RIGHT EXERCISE (No heavy strenuous Exercise needed, infact too much can be a negative impact to weight loss).

Have you every thought about this before? Well, as you see, if you want to lose 1kg of FAT; which is equal to 7700 kCal, you will need to run 35 HOURS!

Exercise is good for joints, blood circulation, general well being, however, to exercise to lose weight, it is highly inefficient, unless you combine it with a VERY disciplined diet. Typically after a good exercise, most will rewardthemselves with super or a meal; which negates the exercise in the 1st place!!!

By slowly adjusting your fat storage, carbo craving, sugar and fat metabolism, glucose regulations and stress control, this multi-faceted approach with the right nutrition (good food habits) and exercise (moderate),you will lose between 6-12kg in 90days!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Relationship Between Fat & Chronic Disease

Visceral Fat Explained - Channel News Asia


A Video on Fat in Arteries!!! (Mandarin)
What does fat in the arteries look like? Watch this video!

Be mindful of the fats you take and seek to reduce your fat in your body.

How Does a Heart Attack Happen?

Visceral Fat Explained

Recent findings on internal fat called Visceral Fat has raised an alarming concern among those that are overweight and 'slim' (yes slim people have it too!). Visceral Fat is fat in the abdominal/trunk area. They surround internal organs and may cause high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and Type II Diabetes. The only way to reduce Visceral Fat is to 1) Exercise. However, brisk walking for 3 hours will only maintain it. 2) A special Conjugated Linoliec Acid (CLA) can help squeeze out the fat from the cells.

Find out your Visceral Fat with a Fat Analysis Machine. Anything above 9% is high risk! Ideally, men should be between 5-7, while women should be between 2-4.

Understanding of Other Weight Loss Methods

Below are a list of comparisons of typicaly Weight Loss Methods in the Market. Understanding them will provide a better view of what works and why the yo-yo effect will occur. The TRA Program is totally unique and does not have any of these side effects, but ALL THE BENEFITS to a healthy body and transformation.

For more information about TRA program, kindly drop a message here.

What's Your Ideal Weight?

What is your ideal weight? Are you overweight?
How do you know if you are overweight or obese?

1. Standard Measurement - Body Weight Measurement
MEN (KG): (Height in cm - 80) * 0.7
WOMEN (KG): (Heigh in cm - 70) * 0.6
  • Normal : 10% higher than ideal body weight
  • Overweight : Between 10%-20% higher than ideal body weight
  • Obese : More than 20% higher than ideal body weight

2. Body Mass Index (BMI)
Body Mass Index (BMI) (kg/m2)
  • Underweight: BMI less than 18.5
  • Normal: BMI Between 18.5 and 23
  • Unhealthy Overweight: BMI Between 23 and 27
  • Unhealthy Obesity (Sightly, Grade 1): BMI Between 27 and 30
  • Unhealthy Obesity (Grade 2): BMI Between 30 and 35
  • Unhealthy Obesity (Very, Grade 3): BMI more than 35

3. Body Fat % Measurement (w/Fat Analyser)
Women 15-39 years old
  • 14-20 Slim
  • 21-25 Normal
  • 26-31 Overweight
  • 32-38 Obese
Women 40-55 years old
  • 15-21 Slim
  • 22-26 Normal
  • 27-32 Overweight
  • 33-39 Obese
Men 15-39 years old
  • 11-17 Slim
  • 18-23 Normal
  • 24-29 Overweight
  • 30-36 Obese

    Men 40-55 years old
  • 12-18 Slim
  • 19-24 Normal
  • 25-30 Overweight
  • 31-37 Obese
Source: World Health Organization

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

豬腳?雞皮? 膠原蛋白吃下去















Wednesday, February 23, 2011


1.5 倍
2 倍
2.5 倍
3 倍
3.5 倍
5 倍

死亡率是標準體重者的 2 倍


     (体高-80)x 0.7

     (体高-70)x 0.6


BMI是世界公认的一种评定肥胖程度的分级方法,目前世界卫生组织(WHO)也以BMI来对肥胖或超重进行定义。 BMI具体计算方法是以体重的千克数除以身高平方(米为单位)。

Body Mass Index (BMI) 体质指数:

BMI =  

          体高 x 体高 (m2)

类别 亚洲人 健康风险
过轻 < 18.5 缺乏营养和骨质疏松症的风险
正常 18.5 - 22.9 健康
超重 23 - 26.9 中风险
一级肥胖 27 - 29.9 高风险
二级肥胖 > 30 极高风险


Wednesday, February 16, 2011



Nov 8, 2010

More Singaporeans are too fat

By Chong Zi Liang 

SINGAPOREANS are losing the battle of the bulge, with one in 10 - or 10.8 per cent of the population - being obese.
This is up from 6.9 per cent in 2004, according to the latest National Health Survey.
The findings of the survey, which is conducted by the Health Promotion Board (HPB) every six years, were revealed yesterday at the launch of the annual National Healthy Lifestyle Campaign.
The growing rate of obesity can be blamed on two main factors - Singaporeans are not exercising enough, and they are not eating properly.
The bad news comes despite many efforts over the years to promote healthy living through exercise and proper diet.
While the obesity figure is not as high as in other developed countries, such as in the United States, where one in three people is obese, the HPB still sees cause for concern.
'This is a very worrying trend for us,' said HPB chief executive officer Lam Pin Woon yesterday.
Singapore's obesity trend - a 0.65 per cent increase a year - is similar to that seen in the US and Britain 30 years ago.
Obesity in these countries has become a major problem.
'We have to do something now. Otherwise, 30 years down the road, we'll be where the US and Britain are now,' Mr Lam said.
But it will be an uphill battle, judging from other findings of the survey.
Although more people are exercising, more than half of Singapore's population still do not exercise at all.
Six in 10 Singaporeans eat out, a trend which worries nutritionists. Home-cooked meals are deemed healthier as one can exercise control over the amount of salt and seasoning used.
'If you ask me: Am I happy? My answer is 'no', even though there is improvement,' said Mr Lam, referring to the number of Singaporeans who do not exercise. 'This is of special concern, given that we are now more sedentary in our lifestyles.'
The board is rolling out new programmes to fight the flab.
As evidence shows that chronic conditions, including obesity, have their origins when one is still in the mother's womb, the board wants to encourage expectant mothers to cultivate good eating habits.
Dr Annie Ling, director of the HPB's adult health division, said: 'There is some evidence to show that the rate of weight-gain of the foetus impacts the subsequent risk for developing obesity.'
Weight issues among the young in Singapore is a special area for concern, said general practitioner Alvin Tan, 30: 'Children who are obese tend to develop other health problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes earlier in life.'
To encourage better eating habits among the young, the HPB will be introducing guidelines to protect children from the indiscriminate advertising and marketing of unhealthy food and beverage choices.
Yesterday's launch of the National Healthy Lifestyle Campaign was held at VivoCity's amphitheatre, where the guest of honour, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, sweated it out to the Great Singapore Workout with a 1,000-strong crowd. Mr Goh shared with the audience his exercise regime, which includes playing tennis and going to the gym twice a week, and golf once a week.
VivoCity is also the first of 50 shopping centres to sign up as a Health Promoting Mall.
Such malls are encouraged to host activities which encourage a healthy lifestyle. For instance, the food courts and restaurants could provide healthier meal choices, and the pharmacies could provide counselling to help smokers kick the habit.
